Throw away the eggshells

Hey, friend.

Eggshells come back quickly. Just a few high-volume miscommunications, misunderstood tones, or a brief blame game about who forgot to do something or did something to who, and they appear. They cover the floors in your home, vehicles, community, and workplace. Left unchecked, the eggshells encroach on your life like a king tide of division and hostility.

Lately, I noticed more nitpicking and taking of offense in our interactions. A few eggshells cropped up as a result.

Usually, we maintain a margin of grace that acts as a buffer zone to absorb the anger and hurt that flares up when we don’t assume each other’s best intentions. It’s a like the dunes on a beach that protect the mainland from the raging seas.

So we had a family meeting to get rid of the few eggshells we saw littering the floors of our home.

We asked for each other’s forgiveness for getting angry and being prideful, not extending mercy, living peaceably, and showing kindness. We opened up the Word and prayed for each other. With the margin of grace restored, we gathered the eggshells and threw them away. Years of developing trust has improved our family’s ability to recognize and dispose of them to preserve trust and grace.

Nitpicking and eggshells show up in business teams also. I frequently see it. Small matters get blown out of proportion, identities feel threatened at the misperceived word or email. Toes are stepped on when someone gets out of their lane unknowingly or innocently. Pretty soon, everyone is walking on eggshells and nitpicking every little thing. There’s no place for it.

There are few things that can kill momentum or halt high-performing teams as quickly. As soon as you sense or see it, address it at its root. Engage in tough conversations and resolve the issue. Get rid of the eggshells. Restore trust and grace. Build unity. Live calmly.

Seen, heard, or read anything interesting? Is there anything you’re digging right now?

  • Found this article on Customer Success thought-provoking. The role of CSM and its ROI within an organization is different from 10 years ago. “What success means” appears to be much more quantitative than before.
  • I was having a conversation very similar to this (appetites vs. estimates) with a friend who is launching a new thing. Do you agree?
  • This band was made to cover this song: Bad Suns / Lovefool

Been great catching up.

Talk soon,


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