#24 The continual improvement
Hello friends,
The last time we were together, we discussed The Project Trinity
Continuing with our theme of successful product management, I thought I'd offer
a framework for continual improvement / iterative creation (copy, design,
development). The following illustrates why design, writing, products
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#23 The project trinity
Hello friends,
There’s a tension in every project which shapes the outcome. It’s a delicate
balance between three factors that are intimately interdependent. These factors
are budget, scope and timeline.
I’m sure you’ve heard the old axiom: “you can have it cheap, fast or good–pick
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#22 The product ownership
Hello, friends.
It's been a few weeks since our last chat. I hope you're doing well. Please let
me know what exciting projects you've been working on.
On this end, the last few weeks have been full. We're [http://honestly.co]
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#21 The momentum priority
Hello friends,
Can you believe it's mid-September already? That means there are only about 100
days left until the holidays? Have you sent out your magic emails
[http://www.winwithoutpitching.com/magic-email/] yet?
The other side of inertia
I've been heads down in several big projects
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