
A collection of 230 posts

How to build a personal brand mood board in five steps

Some of you may be asking yourselves, what is a mood board []? It is a mosaic of images, words, graphics, and objects that project what you want your brand position to be. In developing your personal brand, think of a mood board as

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Deposits or withdrawals?

Every interaction you have with prospects and customers makes a deposit or withdrawal in their trust account. When the balance gets high enough, connection happens and the customer buys. When the balance dips below a certain level, you lose  that customer or prospect. For example, let’s look at the

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The superpower you forget to use

Smiling is the superpower you forget to use. It is a bridge and a ladder. It connects people and elevates communication. Smiling diffuses tension and anger. It is like a vacuum to a flame. It evokes happiness and fosters joy. Smiling makes friends and customers out of strangers. It is

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Class dismissed!

Can you believe it is already May? In the college world it means: class dismissed! For me, it means my college professor [] hat comes off. I hope to have the opportunity to wear it again. It was an incredible learning experience for me and hopefully for

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