
A collection of 230 posts

Two things that will always win and keep customers

It sure is easy to complicate things. I do it all the time. Two simple things you can do to win and keep customers: – Create Positive Emotions – Remove Points of Tension 32 examples: 1. Remember people’s names 2. Make it easy [] 3. Be remarkable 4.

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Three things everyday

There are three things I do everyday for my business, regardless of what else is happening. These things are in my control and completely up to me to do or not do. These three things help me create company culture, set priorities, guide strategy, and develop discipline. 1. Grow/Create.

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Put down the shiny object

> Don’t do it! Everything will be ok. Please put down the shiny object. I’ve been working with a group that has shiny object syndrome. You’ve seen it before haven’t you? It occurs when normally smart and discerning people disconnect their brain and focus on any

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How watching Super Bowl ads will make you a better marketer

Each year I watch the Super Bowl’s advertisements and think about all the time and money invested into 30 seconds of grandeur and ask, is it worth it? Brands use the commercials [] for the opportunity to reach tens of millions of people

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