#56 The Mid-Year
Hello, friends.
How have you been? Personally, I'm a little surprised it's June already. The last few weeks have been spent making the rounds doing mid-year reviews with clients and collaborators. Thought I'd share a little bit about how I approach them in hopes it helps you finish the year with momentum.
If possible, I like to do these in person. It's good to get face time with people. Some relationships need it more than others, but certain dynamics play out when the conversation is "live and in person".
Present, Past, Future
Similar to how project retrospectives go, it's good to spend 45-60 minutes discussing the current state of things, completed/shipped work to date, and plans for the rest of the year. This is a good time to review the strategic objectives and key performance indicators, and make any tactical adjustments based on new inputs and learnings.
This may sound cheesy but I like to spend time dreaming with people during the mid-year meet. Use this opportunity to stretch your thinking and have fun planning a moonshot.
One more thing...
Last week I officially announced my acquisition of pttrns.com. You can read about it here. Stay tuned for tales of adventure. I'll share what I'm learning with you amazing folks.
Until next time.
- David
P.S. The Capsule
P.P.S. Exploration into Skate Music (Data Viz)
P.P.P.S. Rescue Drone Saving lives