#42 Learn & Advance
Hello, friends.
This time of year is when most business leaders are setting objectives and plans for the following year. It's a fun time because fresh ideas are in the air, optimism is high and possibilities are as infinite as a west coast sunset.
One concept I love talking about with clients is the idea of prioritization. A few months ago, I ran across this quote and video in Inc. Magazine from Sheryl Sandberg.
"I think the most important thing we've learned as we've grown is that we have to prioritize," said Sandberg. We talk about it as ruthless prioritization. And by that what we mean is only do the very best of the ideas. Lots of times you have very good ideas. But they're not as good as the most important thing you could be doing. And you have to make the hard choices." ~Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook COO
Great advice.
Until next time.
- David
P.S. Loving The Black Mile to the Surface record from Manchester Orchestra
P.P.S. Enjoyed this clever ad execution and concept for turning a bad review into a positive.
P.P.P.S. Check out the well thought out design system, Nachos, from Trello