The Fairway Chronicles
In The Fairway Chronicles, a series of stories where golf acts as a recurring thread. For fans of short story fiction, fast greens, and calm waters.
Nice Try
Nice Try Audio Preview0:00/300.3798411×Nice TryAlex hates cold weather like all golf professionals should. Stuck hanging holiday decorations,
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Throw away the eggshells
Hey, friend.
Eggshells come back quickly. Just a few high-volume miscommunications, misunderstood tones, or a brief blame game about who forgot to do something or did something to who, and they appear. They cover the floors in your home, vehicles, community, and workplace. Left unchecked, the eggshells encroach on your
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Doug Flambé
Hey, friend.
A week ago, my brother visited us from Wilmington. He’s over a decade older than me. The age gap is the smallest of our differences, but we get along wonderfully.
I enjoyed watching him interact with my boys. He’s like the “cool” older uncle you read
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Supportive not vicarious
Hey, friend.
I’m back from summer break. Look forward to catching up more soon. How are you? What’s been your biggest highlight over the last couple of months?
I’ve had one I’ll mention in a moment, but first a confession. There hasn’t been much of
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