2012: My top 5's

It’s that time again. Another year has almost expired. We survived the Mayan apocalypse and 2013 is looking good. Hope you make the most of it. If I can help, drop me a line.

I appreciate you all for stopping by each week or whenever to join me here. Here is my annual list of top fives (in no particular order).

And if you haven’t subscribed yet, click here to get new posts sent to your inbox.

Top 5 davidhorne.me  posts of 2012:

  1. 10 Podcasts That Will Feed Your Brain
  2. How I Use Gmail For Business
  3. Movie Lessons: 500 Days Of Summer
  4. Two Things That Will Always Win and Keep Customers
  5. 5 Mistakes That Crush Your Marketing Strategy

My top 5 Albums of 2012:

  1. The Stars Are Indifferent to Astronomy – Nada Surf
  2. The Peace of Wild Things – Paper Route
  3. Plans Within Plans – MXPX
  4. Cold Hard Want – House Of Heroes
  5. Young Man Follow – Future of Forestry

My top 5 new (or new to me) blogs of 2012:

  1. joshlinkner.com
  2. lettersofnote.com
  3. newnetworking.com (new blog from Dave Delaney)
  4. acontinuouslean.com
  5. rocketwatcher.com

My top 5 books of 2012:

  1. Accidental Creative
  2. The Art Of The Pitch
  3. The Power of Habit
  4. $100 Start Up
  5. Business Model Generation

Please feel free to add your lists in the comments. See you in 2013!

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